Please ensure that your child is properly equipped each week:
The club colours are Maroon, black and White. Team shirts can be provided for match days. Other colours are acceptable for training. Shorts should be black and socks Maroon, black with White Hoops. The shop usually keeps these items in stock, or your coach/team manager can arrange supply. .
A selection of smaller kit items, such as laces, studs, etc. will be available from the Tuck Shop in the Clubhouse.
Boots should be secure and must have safety studs, which conform to R.F.U. regulations (B.S. Kite marked). Boots must not be worn in the Club House.
Mouthguards are required unless parents agree to take responsibility for injuries, which arise if they are not worn; there is a statement to this effect on the registration form. Customs made mouthguards are strongly recommended as ill-fitting shop bought mouth guards may present a hazard to breathing.
Any other protective equipment worn is at the discretion of the parent / player but in all cases should conform to IRB standards and be labelled as such.
Alternative clothing is essential …….IN VERY COLD WEATHER TRACKSUITS, EXTRA SHIRTS, FINGERLESS GLOVES ETC….. DRY CLOTHES TO CHANGE INTO ….. boys should use the showers provided.
IMPORTANT: Parents remain responsible for their children whist at training/matches and therefore should accompany them and stay with their child at these sessions, especially those players in the mini section.
BE PUNCTUAL. It can be very disruptive for your child to turn up late, especially on match days if transport is laid on. Please let the Coach know when your child is unavailable altogether, especially on Match Days. You may be letting the rest of your side down by not doing so.
Make a point of getting to know the Coach of your child’s group (e.g. in the bar afterwards), and feel free to express your opinions – the feedback is welcome.
Your attention is drawn to the need for each individual to be adequately covered by insurance. The R.F.U. policy covers loss of life, limb or eyeball only. When your child’s subscription is paid he/she will be eligible for cover. Please note that unless the players subscription is paid within 4 weeks of the registration day, or 4 weeks from your child’s first training session, they will not be covered by the RFU insurance policy.
Always remember that the Clubhouse is open to let your child socialise with their teammates, and for you to meet other parents over a drink. Please don’t be strangers.
If at all possible, offer help to your coach or team manager – they will always be grateful!